What We Do
The Driftdodgers take care of 83.2 miles of trails in Douglas County Wisconsin. Douglas County has 352 total miles of funded trails which include 295 miles of County trails, 31 miles of State Trails in the Brule River State Forest, and 26 miles (approximately) of Tri-County Corridor. These trails are a combination of Railroad Grade, Farmland and Scenic Wooded Ridges. Members volunteer their time for running the groomer, clearing deadfalls, brushing, and grading.
Trail Pass Information
As of July 1 2015 membership has its privileges. If you are a member of a snowmobile club and the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC) you will be eligible to purchase a trail pass for $10 for each of your registered snowmobiles. Snowmobile owners who don't hold membership in these groups will pay $30 for the required trail pass through the WI DNR. Learn more on our Membership page.